Let me first start by saying how glad I am that 16.4 is over and that we only have 1 more open workout to go until the Open season for CrossFit is done. I honestly have expected more out of myself than my performance this year. I know some things have affected me when it comes to my training mentally and only working out by myself. I also realized from 16.4 how right side dominate I am because my right hamstring is still hurting from all those deadlifts and I had deadlifts for strength work today with 3+ reps at 90% this morning. Some of you might not know what that means but I'll try to explain it quickly...
Every so often for strength work we test for what we call a !RM (1rep max), the heaviest weight you can lift 1 time. And for me that is 1 time with PROPER from. There are those people who will lift it no matter how bad their form gets just to say that they can lift a certain about of weight. If I feel my back start to round out I will drop they bar, it is not worth the possible risk of an injury to me and then not being able to workout for awhile, however long that maybe. So from that 1RM number (my deadlift, dL, is 235lb) you take 90% and I have to lift that for at least 3 reps and if I can get more, then more. I hit 6 this morning.
With my body was still reeling from 16.4 and I'm wondering if I did something to my hamstring during deadlifts Wednesday was suppose to be a nice break from all the lifting and just swim. I was determined because I knew I would have anxiety to get in and kill 3000m in the pool! Just keep to myself and knock it out. Some of you might remember from previous posts that I usually push myself pretty hard in the pool so if you can actually consider it an active recovery day I'm not quite sure.
I think I was one of the first people in the pool and I even beat the training guys out there and that's pretty unusual. So my workout was as follows and I try and set a specific goal for every time I go in a swim whether it is distance and what I'm specifically working on that day, whether it be breath control, endurance, or speed.
And I apologize in advance because I have a feeling I'm going to come across as a bitch, which I'm not most of the time. And I want to apologize to the "slacking workout partner" for being too harsh/critical when all he was trying to do was help me out for 16.4, which I'm not going to refer to him as "Fidget" anytime I refer to him in here. Who knows, maybe one day I'll tell you his name. So lets just say this is the real perspective from people who have swam most of their life, and what we think when we're on a mission.
But there are a couple things I have figured out about swimming for me. Besides having complete anxiety on Wednesday at the pool, I'm a swim snob.
1. You'll probably slow me down.
And what I mean by swim snob is I hate sharing my lane with more than one other person. If it's all fast swimmers I probably wouldn't mind sharing and having to circle swim but having to share with people who have no idea what they are doing and not fast at swimming is pretty much a pain in the butt!
The pool was quiet for about 45min which is pretty unusual for a Wednesday morning. Some guys come in and do PT with their unit and that's not too bad and then you have your regulars. But holy crap, 0645 rolled around and there were a ton of people standing on the pool deck waiting to get into a lane.
I think that's where the annoyance starts.
2. You're not going to get offered a lane!
If you want to swim and need a lane, you're going to have to have some balls to walk up to a lane and just ask to hop in with them, other than that we are not going to offer our lane to you! So standing and looking awkward on the pool deck is pretty much what is going to happen. Yes, it might involve stopping us while in the middle of a set and that's annoying but it's better than the alternative.
So on top of having anxiety while at the gym on Wednesday we, and by we I am referring to myself and the other swimmer in my lane, had a guy just jump in from the deep end and start swimming.
3. Don't just jump in a lane without letting swimmers know.
I noticed this guy that jumped in while I was in the middle of a set. Now I don't mind if people get in and wait on the wall so that I am aware you are in my lane along with the other swimmer. That way when one of us stops we establish that we are going to circle swim and be on our merry way. And this only saves us some trouble of a head on collision.
So because this guy decided to jump in the lane and just start swimming with two people splitting a lane it ruffled my wet feathers. It's a little dangerous there buddy and I would appreciate not having a head on collision because you don't know swim lane etiquette. If he didn't know then, he definitely knows now. I laid, well I tried to be nice but the anxiety didn't help, into him once I got back to the wall. I don't remember if I was in the middle of a set or interval. I've been in a head on pool collision and they don't feel good! He just stumbled through the fact that he thought there was room in the lane since there were only two of us. Yes, you are correct but that's not how you get in a lane with other swimmers.
4. Let the faster/stronger swimmer go first.
Now I say faster and stronger because we don't always fly through to pool with a time to keep. One of my sets that day was
4x100m (continuous 100m swim)
25 b/e 3
25 b/e 5
25 b/e 7
25 b/e 5
*b/e - breathe every
So during that set I wasn't exactly flying through the pool. I was just trying to relax as much as I could while holding my breath until a certain point and then gasping for air and back my head went into the water. Let me tell you that set is a hard one. The first two not so bad but it started to get hard on set 3 going from 7 to 5. But letting the faster/stronger swimmer go first just lets them not slow down or stop because they ran into you and someone else is swimming in the middle of the pool.
5. Stay on your side of the lane when circle swimming.
So when you circle swim it's almost like you're driving down the road. You always stay on the right side. Swimming down the middle of the lane can also cause another collision. Other than that the middle is used for passing. Yes, we can fit through two swimmers swimming in the opposite direction without any problems. Remember we've been navigating a pool for years. I actually got kicked in the arm when trying to pass one of them.
So after my swim on Wednesday, again keeping to myself, bigger anxiety after I got out. I honestly just wanted to get out of there. My workout was done and I sped through it. I felt good!
I did apologize to him after I got out of the pool because I don't want to sounds like a mean bitchy person to anyone. That's never how I want to be perceived!
My Wed swim workout
150 swim
kick 3x
8x100 @ 1:45
75 back kick w/ fins
25 under H20
*this is by far my favorite set but boy does it take your breath away
4x100 breath control (rest :20-:30sec)
25m b/e 3
25m b/e 5
25m b/e 7
25m b/e 5
(b/e - breath every)
*this one started to suck from lap 3-4 on set 3 & 4 because I typically breath right after coming off the wall and you can't do that during this set.
(b/e - breath every)
*this one started to suck from lap 3-4 on set 3 & 4 because I typically breath right after coming off the wall and you can't do that during this set.
4x50 (RI :30)
25m swim
10 press outs
25m swim
2x250 pull (buoy and paddles)
100m @ 2:00 b/e 3
75m @ 1:30 b/e 5
50 @ 1:00 b/e 7
25m @ :30 1 breath or less
100 swim
100 cool down
My heart
working out in the mornings I head to work; I'm a substitute teacher and
I work mostly with the SPED (special education) kids at a middle school on
post. If you read my blog from September 2015 I wrote how I felt God was
calling me to work with kids. I wasn't sure in what way that was but it's
what I felt like he was doing. And this could be it. After working
with SPED kids at school I go home with a heart more filled with joy and the
warmth of love than anything I think I have ever felt. When you finally
make a connection with the kid you're working with it's an amazing
feeling. And I'm telling ya'll because I don't have anyone to share that
with. I want someone to see how excited I get about working with these
I worked with a new kid named Ethan Wednesday and I was nervous because I've never worked with him so I didn't know what his regular routine was or how much he would need my help. I got some advice about him from one of the other girls who works as a sub and mostly an aid and has worked with Ethan before .I was warned not to let Ethan hug me because sometimes he will headbutt you, that would be fun. Ethan uses an ipad mostly to communicate but can tell you some things. He has music, art, and PE. He does the same warm up in music and PE, works through some songs on the keyboard/piano and also the just does what he pleases in PE. I think art is my favorite because I have to interact with him more. So the art teacher gave us construction paper and we made a vase attached to another piece of construction paper and added some flowers to it. I helped make the vase and he glued it together. I also outlined the stems and flowers for him and helped him cut them out. From there we clued it all down to the big construction paper and letting him pick from the rainbow of colors he had. I was standing most of the period, until about the end, but somewhere in the middle of me standing and helping Ethan lend over and gave me a hug. I'm not sure anything could top what this kids do and how much they show appreciation for the most simple things!
Unfortunately for Ethan my head just wasn't where it needed to be most of the day, until we got into art. I mean my phone was on vibrate and in my purse the entire day just because I didn't want to be contacted by anyone and knew I wasn't going to hear from the one person I wanted to hear from so why put myself through constantly looking at my phone. My head has been somewhere else every since Sunday and it sucks because I couldn't give Ethan everything I had, but it's these kids that keep me distracted from the other things that are going on in my life.
So in all of the craziness of Wednesday I learned that I do not handle break ups well no matter how short or long they are. And this doesn't help with my biggest fear....ending up alone and no one loving me. And even when the reasoning has nothing do to with me. But just like anything, rejection sucks and I judge myself extremely hard because of it. Am I worth it, what did I do wrong, why am I not good enough, not worth the risk? Even our cook at church noticed that the smile was missing from my face. And as I go back and forth about deleting what I just wrote it is through my writing that I am able to say things this personal. Because me actually using verbal communication just ends up with me in tears which is something I hate. I HATE crying. I see it as a personal weakness and I don't like feeling week. Letting someone know my personal stories, good and bad, are about as weak as I want to be with someone, but never the tears. I can't handle those. I'm not even sure how to handle them when someone else cries. And don't think I don't like for other people to cry and see them as weak because I don't view them that way, just myself. It's my own personal judgment of myself. So yes tears out of frustration and not understanding, unfortunately. But we learn something from every set of tears and grow from that. And I don't want this to seem like a pity party because it's not. But that's the great part about exercise, it brightens your mood. So I hit the track this afternoon for some sprints that my slacking workout partner had mentioned last week that I felt horrible about bailing on because I was super tired, so I went home to take a nap instead. And all of a sudden I feel better and on top of the world, ready to conquer it.
So first thing is first, taking myself on a date on Monday for wings and Batman v Superman!
So first thing is first, taking myself on a date on Monday for wings and Batman v Superman!
Track work
400m warm up
2x400m sprint
~2min rest btw each
2x600m sprint
200m rest (walked to starting spot)
2x400m spring
~2min rest btw each
*I don't have a way currently to keep track of my sprint times.
~God Bless
"Training strength and endurance mentally, physically, and spiritually."
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