I honestly don't know where I would be without my faith in him. For some, my faith in God may be too much and for others it might not be. Back in April, I found out that I had to pay basically a full month's worth of rent for taxes. The past several years, I've gotten money back and this year I was owing. I was mad that I had to owe and stressed because I was basically going to be owing a whole months worth of rent and where I was going to get that money from. As concerned as I was, racking my brain about how in the world I was going to come up with an extra $450, it happened. I did pray about it, for my anxiety/stress to be released and for help to take care of the situation. Don't get me wrong I was mad about it. But I had enough extra dog sitting jobs that month that I didn't have to use anything our of my usual funds. Granted it would have been nice to have that extra $450 cushion in my life. He blessed me there.
Well, needless to say I'm having another one of those moments. It always feels like things hit you when you don't really need to have them come around, at the worst possible time. My front brakes have been making a grinding sound for the past week, and has steadily gotten worse. The sound has been working my last nerve when I brake, as well as the rattling of my steering wheel and hood of the car and the concern that at some point my car won't stop and I'll run into the back of someone. And that won't help matters at all. So I made a car appointment to get my breaks fixed. I knew they would have to be replaced and that I'd have to pay for labor which is a pain in the ass, but it is how these guys make there money, just sucks more for me. So the damages, around $400, but I took it down to $300 because I took out break fluid. Which I'lll come back and add that on later down the road. Yes, I should probably go ahead and take care of that now, but I can't really afford that right now. I'm trying to do better at saving money and right now I need to keep that extra cash.
So sometimes I wonder how God can do so many amazing things in my life, like my job and the people I get to work with every day, then turn around and practically slap me in the face and be like o yeah here's a reality check that it's not always happy moments so here's big dilemma when things are going well. Because that's when things seem to go wrong right haha
It just reminds me to be patient from my Aunt's book Wait and See that we can wait a long time for things to finally turn around for us. Regardless, of how I feel about what he throws on my I pray for his guidance and His providing of relief for my stress. There's just something about my faith in him that calms me just like that hug you get that can just calm you down. Although, I wouldn't complain about one of those right now either.
So besides why I wonder why God throws these things at me, here are some things that he has provided for me...
Wonders of An Amazing Job
I have an amazing job as a substitute teacher on an Army base working with special education kids. I have worked with them for 2 years now and love every minute of it. Yes, I'm just a substitute teacher. And you may be thinking how in the world can you live off just being a sub? Well, I work every single school day! There is always a teacher that is asking for leave, has a meeting, or training to go to. I've been lucky enough to have been provided skills to work as a sub, sub aide (works with special education kids), office work, and filling in for the school nurse.
But when school is out...what then? The schools on post have something called ESY (Extended School Year), and if you're lucky enough you get chosen to work it. This year, I never received the application to apply but had a friend forward me the application and I turned it in late explaining why. I am currently with a Special Education student for the remainder of the year (working with him for about a month) and he was observed yesterday so we could try and figure out why he was having so many aggressive outbursts. We, the teachers, got started talking about ESY and how he was going to be there and how I had applied hoping to work with him for the summer. How it would benefit him to have someone he knows and someone who knows his tendencies to work with him for the summer. The person who came in to observe emailed the person who does all the hiring for ESY and told her it would be better for him, with all the changes he's had going on lately, if I stayed with him for the summer. So I basically talked my way into ESY and I'm not complaining at all. I'd only be there 3 days a week and only for about 3 hours a day. It may not be much but I am thankful for every day that I get so spend with him and the work.
I also get to do the amazing job of a dog sitter. Filling my I want a dog so bad need without actually having a dog. I get the cuddles, the time at the dog park that helps me relax for a little while and I get to return the dog. Almost like being a grandparent where you get to keep the grandkids for awhile but it's nice because you get to give the kids back lol. I am truly lucky.
He has provided me with some amazing friends since I've moved here. From friends I've met through coaching, to working out on post, to the friends I have made through work or even ones that I've lived with at one time. I've got some amazing people in my life who are willing to help me when I ask for it. Some of them are called to move away, but all you can do is keep in touch.
I've learned to be adventurous lately and I'm loving it. I'm loving planning my trip for my birthday next year and glad that I have been provided the ability to do so.
I am blessed to have an Aunt that sends me books to help grow my faith in God and also grow myself anytime she gets sample books from the company she works for, Proverbs 31.
I blessed to live around the community of the military. Four years ago never did I ever think that I would be here. I have always had a great appreciation for the military even in high school when I had thought about joining several times, but always for the wrong reasons at the time so I never did. But I remember driving home from Charlotte one day from a visit home, probably for some family event, and seeing the carrier plans flying overhead taking guys out to do a jump. Tears honestly started falling for my face and how amazed I was at these men and women, how I was lucky to be able to see things like this (it gave me a greater appreciation for fly overs at professional games), and just awe struck by truly what these people do for me.
Birthday Trip
So I've been telling you about how I'm trying to decide about where I'm going to travel with my voucher that I received from United Airlines on my way back to home from my Colorado trip. This was giving me the opportunity to travel more and giving you the list of possible places I was thinking about going to.
I was thinking about New Orleans, Grand Canyon, or Seattle. I can't remember the 4th option.
I took New Orleans off the list because I want a real adventure with that amazing view of setting a plan and accomplishing a big goal from the trip. I want to get out and be adventurous. Although New Orleans had some adventures with the food and atmosphere it wasn't exactly what I quite looking for. So NoLa was out.
I took Seattle off the list because although I had only been there for a day back in 2012 for a friends wedding, but we were staying in Aberdeen, I just wasn't sure I wanted to go there.
So my final answer was Grand Canyon and Havasu Falls Arizona. Havasu Falls is a 10mi hike just to get there. Going through the Havasupi Reservation and getting a permit to get into the reservation to finish the hike to the falls. My ultimate goal was to be able to paddle the river that runs through the Grand Canyon but after hearing that it's basically me hiking 10 miles with a paddle board and then another trek just to get the paddle board to the river to paddle it seems a little impossible unless someone was going to meet me there was a paddle board. But that wasn't going to change my plans to hike to the falls and see the Canyon.
But my final decision for using my voucher is going to be Arizona and my big adventure of the hike to Havasu Falls and going to see the Grand Canyon.
~God Bless
"Training strength and endurance mentally, physically, and spiritually."
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