January 8, 2016

Workouts Vs. Nutrition

It's the start of a New Year and your goal is to lose weight or start working out.  You walk into the gym a little self conscious because you haven't done this in years, even though you know you've needed to, and you have no idea where anything is.  You don't want to walk around in the gym feeling like your in anyones way.  It's just awkward right?  I will be the first one to admit that walking into a CrossFit gym I feel at home, but if I walked into a Gold's Gym or Planet Fitness (the judgement free zone) I would feel completely awkward.  I only trained in what I call a "regular" gym for about 2 years and I rarely used the equipment.  I would look like a lost puppy trying to figure out the machines.
But since you are positive that cardio will help you get off that extra weight you just gained over the holidays plus the extra you've been wanting to lose anyway, you head for the cardio machines.  Now after about 30-45min on the treadmill, maybe at a moderate level walk (you can still hold a conversation) or you even pushed yourself and added some intensity like a little extra speed or some incline (a hill) you feel accomplished and decide it's time to head home and get dinner ready.  Food is key right after any workout!
Now here's the kicker.  You go home and fix a meal that looks like this...

I can guarantee you right now that all that hard work you just put in was negated by the meal that you just ate!  Just because you workout doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want.  Trust me!  I get that all the time.  I workout 6 days/week and people tell me all the time that I can eat whatever I want and not gain some weight.  News Flash, even I gain weight from eating large portions of unhealthy meals.  I keep a strict diet during the week, so if I turn down a cookie you have offered me, trust me, it's not because I don't really want it.  I just realize the consequence of what eating that cookie will do to me physically and mentally. 


So here is the news a lot of you might be dreading...most of your weight goals will come from your nutrition, not your workout.  Now some sites say it's 80% nutrition 20% workouts, others will say 10% workouts 90% nutrition.  Either way your nutrition is going to make up the bulk of the weight goal you have.  Not only does nutrition help you to reach those weight goals you may have but it also works wonders for your health. Nutrition is going to be your key factor in any type of weight loss, maintenance, or gain. Remember everyone has a different goal and all those toned or muscular people you see in the gym for the most part watch what they eat and are trying to gain to add more muscle and get stronger.  But I want you to keep this in mind...your are changing your nutrition, not going on a diet!
Having only 3 meals throughout the day can make you feel extremely full because you usually overload yourself with big plates almost the size of the holiday meal plates.  And let's face it with the past couple holidays we just had we all had more than our fair share of portions.  When doing this you also overload yourself on certain macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates - carbs, and fats), which I talk about a little later.
*Paleo She Crab Soup from Grass Fed Girl
Another thing people think of when they think or start to change their eating habits is food becomes boring.  This is far from the truth!  Eating healthy doesn't take out some of what you can eat, it just modifies it.  Take french fries for example anything fried is going to be unhealthy.  It holds fat in the breading or skin and can lead to health issues.  Built up fat deposits can cause wanted health conditions.  A healthy alternative, bake them!  Slice up a potato, add a little bit of olive oil, some seasoning (pepper and paprika or just cinnamon are my favorites), bake them in the oven, and viola.  Want to be a little healthier? Use a sweet potato.  These have more natural fiber to them and fiber is a natural way to lose weight.  You want anywhere form 25g-30g/day.
Now to macronutrients.  The proper portions of proteins, carbs, and fats are important.  If you look at your holiday meal plate I can guarantee you the majority of it is carbs.  I will list below some foods for each category
Proteins: poultry, pork, beef, seafood, wild game, and eggs.
Carbs: fruits, vegetables (including potatoes), bread (grains), pastas, sweets (which can also be a fat), rice, quinoa
Fats: nuts, nut butters (almond butter, peanut butter), avocado, sour cream, etc.
That macronutrient we mostly ingest during those holiday meals are carbs.  Some people have health conditions that keep them from eating certain items and others do not.  I personally follow the Badass Body Diet and it works for me.  But just starting out, you want to go with general food guidelines.

US Dept of Agriculture food plate guidelines

You are more than welcome to ask me any question you would like about nutrition but I will tell you I AM NOT a nutritionist!  You should be able to get in touch with a nutritionist trough your healthcare provider or your health insurance agency.  Nutrition not only plays a part in your weight goals but also in your hormone balance (which I won't touch on because I know nothing on this subject other than what I just stated), you energy levels, as well as your physical and mental performance during workouts.  Someone who eats fast food all the time compared to well balanced nutrient dense meal will not perform as well doing his workout or competition.

Working Out
When you couple proper nutrition with planned workouts you should start getting results.  Your results could be visual or mental (can feel the difference in your body, how your clothes fit).  
Goddess Games 2016 @ CrossFit Northlake
Everyone has a type of workout they prefer.  Some people are strictly lifting weights, others are cardio nuts and you have the in betweenness who do both.  Cardio such as running, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. are great of your heart health and other medical conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) set the health guidelines for cardio and an weight training.  ACSM's guidelines for cardio (cardiovascular exercise - requires oxygen) is 3-5 days per week for 30min each session at a moderate intensity.  I consider a moderate intensity something that requires a little extra effort (more than a casual stroll with a friend), but you are still able to hold a conversation.  I always want to encourage you to do an activity you enjoy.  This moderate intensity level will be different for everyone.
ACSM also recommend 2-3 days/week of resistance training.  Now
everyone will have their favorite type of resistance training.  Many people like free weights (gyms such as Gold's or Planet Fitness) and others are into CrossFit.  Remember that different styles work for different people.  Just be happy that they are in the gym becoming healthier individuals.  I personally have experience with both types of training.  I started CrossFit back in 2010 and also earned my CF L1, but I also 2 months later earned by personal training certification.  I would train clients through free weights and I felt very limited to what I could do with them.  I didn't start coaching in CrossFit until 2013 and it fit be better.  I had a bigger passion for it, things were constantly different, and the competitive atmosphere for me was addicting.  So when you start resistance training, find a type that you enjoy.  You always want to enjoy the workout you are doing.  That's part of what keeps you going back and seeing results.
Nike Women's Half Marathon DC 2014
Another added benefit to resistance training is it helps your body burn more calories.  This can aid in your weight loss process, if that is your goal. Muscle uses more energy (calories) to maintain itself than fat does, so why not start hitting the weights?  You can also do body weight workout movements such as lunges, squats, push ups, sit ups. These movements also help build muscle.  Many women say they want to be toned but they don't want to look big or bulky like a guy.  Ladies, you can not get bulky through resistance training. 


~God Bless
"Training strength and endurance mentally, physically, and spiritually."

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