March 14, 2016

Open 16.2 + "Reese's" ( & Jelly) Cups

Open 16.2
Well I was hoping for one of the open workouts to be on the side of strength and that's what I got, but not in the way I wanted it.  I was hoping for a 1RM (one rep max) snatch or OHS (overhead squat), if we're being perfectly honest.  I completely missed the live announcement Thursday night so I just watched the archived version an hour later.  I do think it's nice that they are doing something different this year for the open announcements.  16.1 had your everyday athlete mixed with games athletes and 16.2 was done in a home garage gym in Chandler, NC.  More and more people have home garage gyms now.

Open 16.2

25 toes to bar                             25 toes to bar                        25 toes to bar
50 DUs                                      50 DUs                                 50 DUs
15 squat cleans 135/85              13 squat cleans 185/115       11 squat cleans 225/145
4min                                          8min                                      12min

25 toes to bar
50 DUs
9 squat cleans

*You had to complete each round within the 4min time cap but if you finished a round early then you could go ahead and start the next round

My 16.2 didn't go as well as I had hoped.  My goal was to get into Round 3 and just stare at the barbell.  I might have tried to lift 145# but my max C&J is 140# and that's by power cleans so 145# if I would have been able to pull it off would have been difficult.  I decided to test the workout that Friday morning and I didn't even finish the first round; I had two more cleans to go.  So maybe I wasn't going to get as far as I thought I would.  and then I realized later that day that I had tested the workout, Round 1, with 10lb more than what I needed.  Friday morning testing it didn't leave me very optimistic for that night. 

My quad also had started to bother me, and I couldn't really pinpoint from what.  It could have been a combination of the 8x400m sprints (track) I was suckered into Wednesday after noon and my workout on Thursday morning of 15cal row (sprint) + 10 thrusters.    There was a little bit of pain during the first round at 85lbs but nothing too terrible that I couldn't push through.  After a couple squat cleans into Round 2 at 115# on Friday night, I had to realize that even though I was going to keep trying until my time ran out getting any more reps and standing up out of those cleans just wasn't going to happen.  It felt as if part of my quad was going to pull apart, O and I started to have to go pee during my second round of double unders (DUs).  1) You don't take pee breaks in the middle of an open workout, and 2) I refuse to pee in my shorts!  So I finished 16.2 with 169 reps.

I worked out on Saturday and did mostly power versions of the Olympic lifts and then a partner workout, tons of upper body and some core.
Partner WOD
10 rope climbs
75 kb swings 24/32kg
50 hspu
25 ghd sit ups (each)
*all other movements were broken up
 I took my usual rest day of Sunday and depending on how my leg felt on Monday was going to attempt it again and unfortunately it was a no go.  so one semi-stellar performance for me during the open.
16.3 live Open workout is announced Thursday night....

            "Reese's" Cups & "PB"&J CupsIce cream, reese's pieces, kit kat, twix, cookies, and your mouth watering yet?  What do all these things have in common except the fact that most of them are my favorite sweets? O just the sugar and that's probably one of my weaknesses is sweets.  Check some of the labels of other foods and beverages you eat and drink, that aren't considered sweets, for their sugar content.  But that's besides the point.  I've been wanting for several weeks now to make Almond Butter Cups and "PB" &J cups.  If you haven't noticed yet, every time I want to fix some kind of food it usually takes me a couple weeks to do it.  So I finally got around to making these last Friday night since my plans got cancelled. 
I prefer to melt my chocolate, in a bowl over hot water.
Servings: 8-10 Ingredients (that made this specific batch):1c Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips1c almond butter1tsp honey1tbsp butter or coconut oil (the recipe I followed used coconut oil but I don't use coconut) Directions:1. First you want to melt the chocolate.  You can melt it in the microwave but I prefer to melt mine overtop of the stove in a glass bowl on top of a pot of hot water, but not boiling.2.  Combine 1c almond butter, 1tsp honey and 1tbsp butter.  It said to blend these ingredients together but I stuck them in a measuring cup and melted the almond butter and butter in the microwave for 1min and then poured them into a bowl and then added the honey and stirred them together.  (I can't stand how thick almond butter is, I prefer my stuff creamy so I melted it down to soften it).  It should come out nice and creamy after you put it in the microwave.3. Once the chocolate is done melting I used a large spoon and put 1 spoonful into each muffin slot (if there's a name for it I can't think of it right now).4.  After spooning the melted chocolate into the muffin tins (it came back to me), take a small spoonful of the almond butter mixture and place on top of the chocolate.  5. I had extra chocolate left over and really wanted to make them look like Reese's Cups so I tried to put chocolate back on top.  I also instead of trying to put chocolate on top of all of them I put Smuckers Sugar Free Grape Jelly on top.  I split it 5 "Reese's Cup and 5 "PB"&J. 6. Place the muffin tin in the freezer for 30-45min.  Remove from freezer and popped the cups out with a knife.
Now I've only tried a bite of one of them, but they didn't turn out exactly like I was hoping they would.  They taste was fine, it's just I was hoping the presentation of them, so to speak would be different when I finshed them.  I really wanted the regular cups to look like Reese's Cups.  And the PB&J cups also with the chocolate added back on top.  So here are some things I would do differently the next time I make them...
1.  Instead of 1c of chocolate chips I would use 2 and melt them separately, that way I would definitely have enough to put on top.

2. After putting the almond butter on top of the chocolate I would place them as the recipe calls for and then place the second layer of chocolate and jelly on top.  This past time the chocolate I placed back on top of the almond butter started to melt down into it and that's not what I was looking for.  
Some of the cups with almond butter on top and others not yet filled.

3. Almost the same for the pb&j cups except placing a layer of jelly and then a layer of chocolate, or maybe even leaving the top layer of chocolate off. 
4.  They also turned out bigger than I had expected them to, so maybe a mini muffin pan for the next batch.
I definitely will try and make these again in the future with the changes I named.  These would be food for a Sunday night treat, maybe even with a glass of milk, if you're like me and have a cheat day on Sundays.
Happy Baking!

Finished product with a little extra chocolate on top.  What I was hoping would cover
the whole thing.

~God Bless
"Training strength and endurance mentally, physically, and spiritually."

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